Friday, October 17, 2014

The Honeymoon. DUN DUN DUN!!!

           Whilst on a glorious walk on the sandy beaches of San Martin, Curtis Rakestraw, the hero of this story, discovers something amiss. His newly wed wife had fallen behind and had not caught up. He looks behind him and his eyes lay upon the sun hat that she had been wearing. filled with fear and distress, Curtis races over and picks up the hat, a note falls out. On the note was handwriting unfamiliar to him, it wasn't his wife's. "She's gone, we'll return her one the sum of 500,000 dollars has been transferred to our secure account on this paper..." Immediately, Rakestraw asks himself, "On a teacher's salary?!?" Finding no other choice, he sets off to find more information about who did this.
            Heading to the baddest part of town, Curt picks out where he might find out more information. He picks out a bar in the back ally behind a Macy's. Storming into the bar, the letter in his hand, he slams one of the patron's head into his glass. Rakestraw goes up to the now terrified barkeep and growls," Would you know anything about THIS?!" He shoves the note into the barkeep's face."N..N.. Not exactly," the barkeep stutters," but they might." He points over to a group of surprisingly well-dressed men in the corner. "Thanks," Rakestraw snorts as he strolls over to the men, cracking his knuckles.
             Walking out of the bar wiping teeth and blood off his shirt, Rakestraw reads his newly found note, it reads, " In the old church, at the very top of the steeple..." Curt hails a taxi and speeds away. Dark clouds are forming as Rakestraw steps out of the taxi. Suddenly, a voice over a loudspeaker shouts, " YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE COME LOOKING!" People are running through the streets, shouting, "HURRICANE!" Winds howl and rain pounds the ground, knocking over trees and lampposts. With one fluid movement, Rakestraw leaps into the air and critical-hits the hurricane into oblivion. "Aww, that's adorable." Curt mutters to himself. Filled once again with urgency, he speeds into the church and begins running up the stairs. he comes to a door at the top and begins pounding on it with all his might. Rakestraw then wakes up to the barkeep banging on the bar. "Wake up, man! You've been here all night, your wife went back to the hotel." Blurry-eyed, Curt looks at his surroundings, " I hope this is soup." He says, looking at his shoes. "Yeah, probably was, now leave!" the barkeep shouts. Curt stumbles his way out of the bar, the sun stings his eyes. He walks all the way back to the hotel with his tie stuck to his head.

                                             Finally,Here's a picture that I found!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Confucianism? More like Confusing-ism?! Amirite?

Confucianism is based on the teachings of a Chinese philosopher that came up with ideas during the Warring States period. He believed that his social order would bring about peace and order. the basics of Confucianism revolve around following the actions of the good past emperors. His views of family life center on everybody following a system of that older men are the highest position in a family.

                                              Some Famous Confucius quotes...

UGHHHH More Art!

In Greek art history, there are three common art periods, the Archaic, the Classical, and the Hellenistic periods. Some add another to this list, this is the Geometric period. Classic Greek art was put in the Parthenon, these pieces of art, usually sculptures, were very realistic. Geometric arts were usually pictures painted on ceramics. Classical art would later influence Roman and Renaissance artists. Freezes, 3D pictures on walls, would include religious scenes or animals. Hellenistic art includes some of the most famous Greek sculptures, the Venus Di Milo, and the Winged Victory.

Roman art includes coinage, paintings, glass work, and metalwork. Early Roman art drew from the Etruscans of ancient Italy. Later Roman art blended Etruscan and Greek art, with a mix between realistic and auto-correct. Romans used and revolutionized concrete making and used it for construction. Some of the greatest feats of Roman construction is the Pantheon and the Colosseum.  

Early Christian
This form of art started up after Christ's death, and it used realism in its arts. Sculptures could not depict iconic figures, so artists had to use other mediums. A repetitive style in catacombs are frescoes, or paintings on plaster. Early on, Christ wasn't directly used as an icon, so artists used a Shepard or a peacock. Artists would disguise crosses as other symbols to ward off suspicion. When Constantinople issued the Edict of Milan, artists no longer had to hide their art.
                             This is one of my favorite depictions of Jesus