Thursday, September 4, 2014

Alexander The Great: Was He Really THAT Great?

Throughout ancient history, the Persians have been one of the most powerful empires in the Middle East. the had conquered Greece multiple times, and when Macedonia took over Greece, their views of Greece would soon change. Alexander the Great stormed his armies across Persia, destroying religious items and place in his path. From this point on the Persians have looked towards Alexander with distaste.
In the West, Alexander the Great is viewed as an unbelievable hero and amazing hero. But in Persian history, he is seen a little differently. In Persia, Alexander burned down Persepolis in a fit of drunken rage. The rest of his conquering of Persia was linked to his admiration towards Persia, and a little bit because of a Greek grudge towards Persia. During the time that Persia was conquered, it was on of the most powerful empires in the world and definitely one of the biggest. Since he destroyed much of their heritage and history, Persians see Alexander the Great as an evil man with no respect of peoples' homes or natural way of life. And (and this is a little off-topic) Persia did gain a little trust back from the Greeks after they helped the Spartans defeat the Athenians during the Peloponnesian war.

And have you ever wondered who would win in a fight, Attila the Hun or Alexander the Great?
                                                    Watch this video to see who wins!

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